Martijn van Schaik, a member of African Impact was a guest
with us last year March. His request this year as a staff member on the trip
was that everything be as close to last year’s trip as possible – for his
anniversary of the Berg. It was. I’ve added last year’s photo of the group
looking out from the viewponi above the Witches to this year’s photo. It seems
almost as if the images could have been taken a few minutes apart rather than
the 12 months that do separate them. To say that the weather was similar would
be an understatement. It was hauntingly the same, even adding the cloud
wrapping round us as we made our way off the ladder and onto the escarpment.

As a landscape photographer it is often easy to fall into the
trap of over-previsualising the imagery we strive to create. I definitely fall
foul of this, and I find that it becomes harder when I return to a place often.
Pre-visualisation, as I often mention, is the attempt to see the final image in
the mind’s eye before we press the shutter. It is the technical
previsualisation of the scene that guides us as to how to expose for the image.
What should the aperture be, how will I handle the shutter speed etc. Each of
these technical decisions has an impact on the look of the final image. It’s
the aesthetic previsualisation where we can start to become lazy. Because I
know the route so well that we take the photographers on I often fall into the
trap of looking for predetermined images. This is a problem as it means that I
am inadvertently closing myself off to new images, for the spur of the moment.
I would love to point to an image from this trip that is a good example of
having just broken the norm, but I can’t. The realization was while looking at
the photographers work last night before dinner. As is usual we each present a
few of the images from the weekend. The quality of the work was very high, such
that a number of the images were the sort that one feels the inner photo
gremlin grumbling, ‘wish I taken that’. Then there were two of Martijn’s images
that made me sit up and go, “wow, why didn’t I see that” (he does admit that
the cloud shot was pre-meditated, but the point is that fresh eyes look
differently at the scene). I didn’t even notice the horses on the ridge line as
we walked from the top of the Tugela Falls back to the ladder. I didn’t notice
because I was pre-occupied with other images that I had already captured, or
that I was still thinking about.

Love the second picture of the sunrise with the flashlights!