A rousing chorus that emerged almost every time somebody raised the camera to their eye. "Check that histo!" would be yelled with enthusiasm by all. Chimping aside, there was plenty to photograph over this last weekend's photography workshop where I was joined by what became affectionately known as the 'poo crew'.
The weather continually hovered around the threshold between great photography and miserable photographers. In a sense the blog post should be: 'Get out, regardless of the weather!', but more on that in a moment.

As I mention earlier: 'Get out, regardless of the weather!' Sunday morning was an obscenely early start of 3:30am. To make it worse we were sitting in a damp cloud with rain pattering on us enough to soak to the bone. A couple of mutters and someone saying "you don't seriously expect to go out in this", had some of the students feeling a little less than happy about tackling the hike in the early morning. Tackle we did though. Then suddenly at 5:00 am the sun popped out of hiding and we found ourselves standing just above the clouds looking out at a golden rimmed dawn. As Jodie, one of the photographers said, "it looks like Care Bear land!". Bad weather makes for great photographs. this might not always be the case admittedly, but the chances improve dramatically that the images that are captured are different enough to be special. When every bone in your body says, "stay in bed" - that's when you head to where you think the light might be when the weather changes.

Ultimately the trip to the escarpment was one of the finest I've had with us standing both above a carpet of clouds as well as the cloud clearing enough to see the Tugela Valley far below. A truly special day.
Oh, and of course. Nice Histo!
Left to right and special thanks to you all: Jodie (Oz), Mikki (Switzerland), Joe (UK), Cat (UK), Sean (Canada), then there's me :), SJ (UK), Dan (UK), Macro Sue (USA) and Canon Sue (UK).
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